Bills & Laws

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Veto Session

If the Governor vetoes any bill after the General Assembly has adjourned, the Secretary of the State must reconvene the General Assembly on the second Monday after the last day on which the Governor is either authorized to transmit or has transmitted every bill to the Secretary with his objections. The reconvened session is for [...]

Action by the Governor

If the Governor receives the bill while the legislature is in session, he has five calendar days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, in which to sign or veto the bill. If the bill is vetoed it is returned to the chamber in which it originated with a statement of his objections. The bill may be [...]

Passage and Engrossment

After a bill has passed one chamber, it is transmitted to the other chamber and is placed on its calendar. If the other chamber amends the bill, it comes back to the first chamber for approval. If the amendments are not approved, a conference committee may be appointed to resolve the differences. When a bill [...]

The Bill in the House and Senate

Upon a favorable vote by the committee, the bill is referred to the chamber of origin, either the House or Senate.  Each favorably reported bill is printed and receives a file number distinct from the original bill number. Bills are placed on the Calendar by title, file number, and bill number in the order in [...]

Committee Action

After the public hearing, the committee meets to decide upon its action on the bill. Notice of such meeting is published in the Bulletin and all meetings are open to the public. The committee has several options: (1) A “favorable” report which indicates that a majority of the committee favors the bill and recommends its [...]

Public Hearing

The staff of a committee must publish a public hearing notice five days before a hearing is to be held on a bill. The five days include weekends and the actual day of the hearing itself. Speakers must sign-up to speak based on the rules of the committee and are usually given three minutes to [...]

Submission of Bills by Legislators and Committees

In odd-year sessions, members of the General Assembly may file proposed bills and resolutions in the chamber (House or Senate) in which they serve. In even-year sessions, individual legislators may introduce only those proposed bills and resolutions that are of a fiscal nature. Standing committees may introduce bills on any topic in any regular session [...]